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Filter by name, keyword, cuisine or status in Map view. In List view, you can sort by Distance, Rating or Name.
Meal Wheelâ„¢
Can't decide where to eat? Let the Meal Wheel decide for you when your choices are overwhelming.
What is mFood?
mFood is a fast and easy way to find amazing food trucks all around you. From tents or street carts to trucks and food corrals with everything in between, mFood's goal is to bring food trucks from across the country to your fingertips. With national coverage, finding food trucks has never been faster or easier.
Not only does mFood show you the "scheduled" location of a food truck, but if the truck actively participates in our database, you can have access to their upcoming schedule and their menus, and if the truck chooses, they can "go-live" so that you can see where the truck is actually located, even if they move from their scheduled location!
Know what you are looking for!
Our icons let you know what type of vehicle to expect when you go out to grab some grub!
Own a truck? We have an app just for you!
Benefits for you
Benefits for your customers

Sign up for Release Information/Product Updates. And by all means, let us know what you think about mFood!
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Contact Info
Maybe you just ate the best taco ever. Use mFood to mark your favorite truck so you can always find them when that craving hits.
Detailed information about a specific truck is just a tap away.
Easily select an alternate location to see what food trucks are available when you travel.
mFood is packed with features too numerous to list here, but we've highlighted some of the major ones below.
Download the mFood Vendor app and start getting your truck visible!

Go live and stand out from other trucks.
Menu Management
Make specific items "unavailable" at a single tap or promote specific items as "specials".
Your logo and truck pictures help differentiate you and your offerings.
Live Tracking
Your customers will find you wherever you are.
Your customers can add you to their favorites list to find you more easily.
Keep your schedule up to date so your customers know where you will be next.
Social Media
A single location where your customers can access all of your social media.